Novely is a modern Elementor Template Kit that is perfect for creating a website for Book Publisher, Book Author, Publishing Company, Stationary, Book Store, Magazine, or Author website. This template has a Unique and Professional design with a 100% responsive layout, retina-ready, and easy to customize.
This template kit includes stunning carefully crafted 10 stunning templates, you can build your professional-looking company business website just a click away.
All Features
- Styles and effects are created within Elementor panel, using no coding at all
- 100% compatibility with the free version of Elementor
- Save money! This kit uses Free Google Fonts and doesn’t require Elementor Pro
- 10 Customizable Page Layouts
- More than 20 well-designed Sections Templates
- Sleek and minimalist Style
- Stylish colors and hues
- Responsive and excellent for Desktop, Laptop, and Mobile
- Design of All main WordPress Widgets
- Pixel Seamless Design
- Easy to Use and Modify
- Fully Fluid Responsive
- Fully Editable Symbols
- Responsive and professional support by dedicated team
Main Features
Novely template has a typical online bookstore appearance, with a visual-based landing page and multipurpose inner pages to display high-definition book cover images. The main features include:
- Homepage (1 and 2)
- Landing Page
- Store
- Book Author
- Book Compare
- About (1 and 2)
- Services
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Contact
- This is not wordpress theme, it is Elementor template kits.
- What is the Elementor Template Kits? The Elementor Template Kits is a library which contains over 10 pre-designed page templates, as well as templates that were saved by the user. The Library allows you to quickly create designed pages and customize them to be your own, saving you from building all pages from scratch.
- Check if you have a theme installed. If not, go to and install “Hello Elementor” theme (free)
- Go to and install “Elementor” plugin in WordPress (free)
- Go to and install “Template Kit Import” plugin (free)
- Buy this template kit and download the zip file.
- Open Tools > Template Kits and upload the template kit zip file
- Follow the cues to add the templates that you want; and then create your website pages using the Elementor drag and drop builder.
Create a bold but refreshing page to display e-book recommendations, complete with their descriptions and other important info. Give visitors options to explore the collections based on titles, themes, genres, and authors. Novely is ideal for creating a pristine design with fresh color themes and typefaces, suitable for a WordPress website.
Reasons to Install Novely Template Kit
As a part of Elementor product, Novely requires pre-installed Elementor Premium Plugin. Afterward, it gives website owners various benefits to support their businesses. Here are several reasons why you should install Novely:1. Multiple Information on One Page
Many of the inner pages offer multiple information to give a convenient browsing experience for customers. The Author page, for example, presents author bio, his or her work, and other books with similar themes.
2. Convenient Navigation
The website has offered a convenient navigation system since the first page. CTA buttons are clear and bold, the menu is available in a dropdown form, and the books are displayed in bold, professional, but interesting looks.
3. Responsive Design
Each inner page in Novely offers responsive design elements, showing a perfect combination between texts, photos, and icons. They create interesting looks but still with a professional air.
4. Easier to Explore New Titles/Authors
Give your customers satisfaction by showcasing new titles or authors. The inner pages have sections to display new and upcoming books or putting a notable author in “highlight” photo placement.
Novely book Elementor template kit offers the perfect library design. Download the template now and build a professional bookstore website to make everyone read (and shop).
How to use this Template Kit
We have a great time designing these layouts for Elementor, and hopefully you like them.
for more information please read the official documentation from envato: