About Us

More than just 4888+ Kits in one Pill

About Us

More than just Help.

PillWP manage under Infinity Sales And Services. Our registered and legal name is Infinity Sales And Services.


WordPress is the World’s Fastest-Growing platform for building and managing websites and online stores. It has made things so much easier for everyone that now anyone with some basic Web Building Skills and knowledge can build their own website in a matter of a minute.

WordPress allows you to manage and install handy plugins for your website that help speed things up for you. This is where PillWP Club comes into play.

PillWP Club is the world’s largest WordPress theme and Plugins sellers which have been in the market for over 6 years now. They have a wide range of Multi-Domain products and not to mention a huge base of satisfied customers.


  • Authentic, Verified Products

PillWP Club has a huge base of customers who are entirely satisfied with their services. The website has a 5-star rating on the world’s most famous consumer review websites “Facebook, and Google business”.

PillWP Club is GPL-licensed and all the products made available by the sellers are trusted and verified. Most GPL websites put nulled or cracked themes and plugins for you to download for free but that would be a really bad idea.

Downloading Nulled or Cracked themes and plugins is not a good idea because you don’t have total control over this software. These products could have been made with malicious intent to hack you or attack your privacy. We all know about identity theft cases and other malicious activities that these cracked softwares can be used for.

With PillWP Club, you don’t have to worry about all of that because all the products here are trusted and verified.

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What They Say

What our customer say about elementor template kits after download and use it from here.

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